Life Drawing Worstead
Thursday (bi-Monthly, 3rd one of the month) 7pm > 9pm
Worstead Wednesday
Wednesday (weekly) 9,30am > 11.30am community coffee morning / warm space
Here's what we do:
Pilates with Boo
Thursday (weekly) 4.30pm > 5.30pm sitting Thursday (weekly) 6pm > 7pm mat session
Wednesday (weekly) 7.30pm > 9pm Dog Showing Evening
Worstead Parent, Toddler and Baby Group
This is run by Worstead Preschool
Friday (weekly, term time and some holidays) 9.30am > 11.30
Stay, play, chat and warm space for pre-school children and their adults
Badminton / Pickleball / Table Tennis
you are welcome to 'Book a Slot'
Our month. Your month:
Keeping busy, with lots of fun!
Quality events, classes, and companionship for our community.